News | Sketchnote
News | Sketchnote
This month we’ve been focussing on ways to re-engage ourselves and our team after the summer, to make sure we’re our best selves at work.
We find that practicing mindfulness and meditation helps us to combat stress and overwhelm, improves our sleep and keeps us focused and present. And we’re not the only ones. Up to 50% of US employers now offer mindfulness training in their organisations because of the massive benefits to employees.
Meditation isn’t a practice we do that’s separate from the rest of life. Meditation and mindfulness (being present) is one of the essential keys to happiness and improved mood. Being fully engaged in what you are doing at that moment is a strong indicator of being happy.
We’ve been listening to one of our favourites, Professor Andrew Huberman on the scientific benefits of mindfulness and meditation, and meditation practises that can improve focus, reduce anxiety and promote better sleep.
If you’re interested in starting meditation then apps like Calm and Headspace are a good place to begin. Huberman recommends the Waking Up app. They offer guided meditations and courses to keep you practicing so it becomes part of your daily routine.
If we can all be aware of mindfulness and self-care, then it will help us to be our best selves at work.