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Ellie Chapman Pattern

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Ellie gets interviewed

In the spotlight

Pattern's latest piece is now live, and it's starring our very own Ellie Chapman.

In the interview Ellie talks about:

  • What Lim stands for
  • The different ways businesses can use visualisation to their advantage
  • How she encourages everyone to explore their own creativity to meet a shared goal.

Read the article here.

We've also shared some of our highlights from the article below. They include thoughts on collaborative workspaces and labels. But first, some photos:

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Negative space for collaboration

Ellie spends lots of time in offices across the world yet, there is something missing. Here's some of our favourite words from the article...

“People spend so much money on doing up their offices to make the space collaborative, yet there's not a single flat wall to stick any paper to,” she laments, “When I see a whopping great board table in the middle of the room I think: how on earth are you going to get people moving around the room, collaborating, talking to each other?”

People need negative space; space to breathe, space to focus.

Let's talk labels

Labels pop up all the time and in the world of working really well together, here's why Ellie believes they can get in the way...

It is the unrestricted freedom of live-scribing that enables people to go beyond their default mindsets and tap into new creative and bold ideas. “I believe this way of working helps everybody no matter who you are. There are labels everywhere, and while some might be helpful, others might be restrictive,” Ellie says, “Labels can mean that people step into the stereotype of how they need to be, how they need to show up in front of their peers, how they need to show up for themselves. The label might be ‘I'm a CEO, and therefore I don't work visually’.”

I'm all about removing the labels and just doing really great work together to help everybody feel heard.
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Pattern in a nutshell

Pattern is an online editorial platform which explores passion, productivity and process, ritual, routine, work, life, and the struggle to find balance between them. Through feature interviews and photography, Pattern tells the stories of a wide range of individuals who through their work are making change, creating things, inspiring others, and innovating for the world.

The A team

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